Adulting is not a part time gig.

You don’t like being told what to do.
You are an adult and should be able to come in when you please.
You pay most of your own bills and should have a say so in the plan that your phone is on.
You want a pet.
You have a job and go to work every day too.
You want your own place because you are tied of…

I shared this on fb and figured I will bring it here to share as well.

What is up with the youth of today? You do realize that adulting is not a part time gig? You don’t get to claim independence and all that goes with it when it benefits you and the run back when life kicks you in the A$$!

If your parents have done you justice, they have worked hard to prepare you for the future and you have learned to be self-sufficient and have enough grit to get through the ish that is coming your way. Not if, but when they get rough. Hopefully you will have enough sense to avoid the obvious mistakes; those are the ones we as parents point out to you, but you chose to ignore.

Does this mean that you will not need help? No, it means that you will not have to come crying to Mom and or Dad when times get rough. It also means that you have and know how to use the skillset to handle the majority of those issues. Know that your actions, or in actions create consequences that can possibly provide a lifetime of responsibility. Those are all yours Boo, not your parents. If they are gracious enough to help every now and then, be very thankful, because not everyone has that option. The safety net is only a wish for some.

Step up, wake up, strap in with those big person shorts and make it happen. You will survive!